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Eva's Floral Gallery offers local deliveries in Hemet, CA., San Jacinto, CA., Nuevo, CA., Winchester, CA., Homeland, CA., Romoland, CA., Menifee, CA., Sun City, CA., and Beaumont CA. 
for your convenience and a real surprise, they won't soon forget! 
Order your flowers and gifts soon! 

Flower Care Instructions

How long will my flowers last, and how can I keep them fresh?

Our flowers should last 7-10 days with proper care.*


For maximum enjoyment of your bouquet, follow these guidelines.

Rose Care:

1. Use cold Water.
2. Use Flower Food or table sugar.
3. Snip the Stem Approximately ¾ of a inch and 45° angle.
4. Change the Water every 2 days.

5. Remove blooms and leaves as they fade.
6. Keep in a cool area away from direct sun light, cold and hot air drafts.

Flower Care:

1. Fill Vase two-thirds with fresh, Lukewarm Water and add Flower Food/table sugar. 
2. Remove any Foliage that will sit below the water line.
3. Trim about ¾ of an inch from the bottom of the stems at a 45° angle.
4. Keep in a cool area away from direct sun light, cold and hot air drafts.
5. Change the water every 2 days.

6. Remove blooms and leaves as they fade.

Dish Garden Plants:

Keep the soil moist, water thoroughly when the soil is dry to the touch, do not allow plants to stand in water, they prefer bright diffused sunlight and a warm location

Succulent Dish Garden:

1. Bright Indirect Sunlight
2. Water when soil is completely dry to the touch, once a week. Do not allow plants to stand in water.

Peace Lily Plants:

1. Lightly water when the top inch of soil feels dry.
2. They prefer indirect light.
3. Room temperature is best environment. 65-80 degrees.
4. Protect plant from drafts and cold or drastic changes in temperature.
5. Fertilize in spring and summer.
6. Peace Lilies are mildly toxic to animals and humans, so keep away from small children and pets, and wash your hands after handling your plant as it produces crystals that can irritate skin.

Orchid Plants:

1. Keep temperature between 60-80 degrees. High Humidity is best.
2. Avoid drafts and cold spaces.
3. Fertilize regularly during the warmer months to help prepare it or the bloom cycle.
4. Larger orchids require extra support for long stems that turn into blooms. Insert a stake in the potting media and gently attach small clips to support stem as the blooms begin to emerge.
5. Water every 7 to 10 days. Test the condition first by pressing a finger down into the moss or potting soil mix. If it is dry, run water through the orchid pot.

6. Then drain Thoroughly.

7. Wipe away splashed water off the leaves.


For a vase bouquet:

1. Carefully pour the water out of the vase, while holding on to the flowers.
2. Lift one flower stem out of the vase (without forgetting the position it was in prior to being removed from the vase), and using clean, sharp shears, trim the stems diagonally 1/4" from the bottom for maximum water absorption. Be careful with roses just in case we missed any thorns.
3. Repeat step 2 with the other flowers. 
4. Remove any low-hanging leaves that may touch the vase water—leaves will rot and cause the roses to wilt.
5. Fill the vase about 3/4 full with lukewarm water. 
6. Repeat every 2-3 days to ensure the flowers are never thirsty.
7. Keep flowers away from windows and a/c vents (especially during hot weather), and place in a cool dry place.
8. Keep away from children.


*Some customers have reported more than 10 days, up to 4 weeks. This depends on weather conditions, and care given to flowers. 


**We add flower food to all of our flower orders when they are being made. You may accelerate the vase life of your flowers if you add too much flower food/sugar, thus, leading to shorter vase life.